Welcome to Baby Blocks

We are at a watershed moment in the field of peds regional. New research and blocks are being developed and refined across the world at a rapid pace. Though there are resources providing information and instruction, we have never felt that they spoke directly to us, as pediatric anesthesiologists. Historically, our process for putting together usable techniques was a combination of conversation with like-minded practitioners and cobbling together information from multiple publications and online sources. Frustrated with this paradigm, we set out to create our own hub of information with our collective wealth of expertise, which we now share with you. It's our hope that Baby Blocks can serve as an integrated vehicle for the sharing of research and practice in peds regional and beyond, and help guide the evolution of this field of caring for our most precious patients.

Please subscribe to our community to stay up-to-date on additions or edits to the site, as well as to help us shape and build the site, one “block” at a time.

- John G. Hagen, MD, MBA, FAAP, FASA
Founder and Editor-in-Chief


Who We Serve



The clinical information on this site is meant for practitioners with basic understanding of ultrasonography and regional anesthesia. This is a curated website devoted (mostly) to the use of ultrasound and regional anesthesia in the pediatric peri-op setting.

Because we seek to address the practical clinical needs for those taking care of pediatric patients, this site is not meant to be encyclopedic or completist.


We’re happy to provide basic guidance for parents/caregivers as they contemplate pediatric anesthesia for their children. As always, please consult with your physician for best advice.